truffle unbox react, unhandled rejection : Unhandled Rejection (Error): This contract object doesn't have address set yet, please set an address first.
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truffle unbox react, unhandled rejection : Unhandled Rejection (Error): This contract object doesn't have address set yet, please set an address first.

by 쏠수있어ㅤ 2022. 3. 17.


Unhandled Rejection (Error): This contract object doesn't have address set yet, please set an address first. 


-> react와 truffle, ganache를 동작하다가 나온 에러 


해결법 : react 페이지가 뜬 브라우저의 메타마스크 지갑을 localhost로 바꿔주면 된다 !! 나는 Rinkeby 테스트넷에 연결되어 있어서 안되었다. 





Reference :


truffle unbox react, unhandled rejection

I keep getting this error "Unhandled Rejection (Error): This contract object doesn't have address set yet, please set an address first. " when launching truffle unbox react, and also I don't have


